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News, articles & research from the
Institute of Historical Research


What’s trending in new historical writing? Four perspectives from the Bibliography of British and Irish History


The Summer 2020 update of the Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH) adds records of 4200 recent publications. Here we spot some trends from this new historical writing, including histories of celebrity and the ‘animal turn’.



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Latest books from Reviews in History


The latest summary of books included in the IHR’s ‘Reviews in History’ service, including studies on Peterloo, Renaissance art crime, and a curious and illuminating story of eighteenth-century rabbit breeding.



The IHR: new & necessary responses to the current crisis

The COVID-19 crisis is having profound effects on the research infrastructure. This is especially so for early researchers. Here Jo Fox sets out the IHR’s response and its new priorities for 2020.

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What’s trending in new historical writing? Four perspectives from the Bibliography of British and Irish History


The Summer 2020 update of the Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH) adds records of 4200 recent publications. Here we spot some trends from this new historical writing, including histories of celebrity and the ‘animal turn’.

BHO theses completed: making the data available

许多企业的营销是爬到了梯子的顶端,才发现靠错了墙_科技 ...:2021-6-20 · 文 / 路长全大家好!这次我们讨论的话题是:许多企业的营销是爬到了梯子顶端,才发现靠错了墙。我就发现很多人,是用战术上的勤奋,来掩盖战略上的失误,就是在战术上很勤奋,战略上没有结 …

In June we added records of 30,000 History PhDs (1901-2014) to British History Online. We’ve now made the underlying XML data available. In this post Jonathan Blaney explains how to search and use the data to explore 20th and 21st century research trends at scale.

The Bibliography of British and Irish History: a guide to online teaching and student research

The Bibliography of British and Irish History: a guide to online teaching and student research

With History teaching now online, how can the Bibliography of British and Irish History help lecturers and students? In this joint post with the Royal Historical Society, we offer three key uses of BBIH at this time.

Who was your great, great supervisor? 30,000 History PhDs now available on British History Online

Who was your great, great supervisor? 30,000 History PhDs now available on British History Online

British History Online now includes records of 30,000 History PhDs and theses, completed 1901-2014. New metadata enables searching by subject, university and supervisor, facilitating surveys of research trends in UK universities.


Latest books from Reviews in History


The latest summary of books included in the IHR’s ‘Reviews in History’ service, including studies on Peterloo, Renaissance art crime, and a curious and illuminating story of eighteenth-century rabbit breeding.

New from the Victoria County History of Herefordshire: Colwall

New from the Victoria County History of Herefordshire: Colwall

杜绝外卖翻墙不能仅仅拆“过墙梯”_观点库_观点中国:2021-11-30 · 在厦门诚毅学院围墙边,架着多把梯子,每到饭点,商家就通过这些梯子翻墙进入校园,将外卖交给送餐员。 不少学生担心,这会给校园安全带来隐患。学校工作人员表示,他们曾多次收走梯子,但常常旧梯子刚收走,新梯子马上又架上来。

Polesworth abbey (Warws.) and the Marmion lord of Tamworth castle

吾皇的侍婢_第十六章 如幻似梦(2)_起点中文网_小说下载:2021-6-15 · 吾皇的侍婢最新章节阅读,吾皇的侍婢是一部古代言情小说,由否爷创作,起点提供首发更新。第十六章 如幻似梦(2)(2021.06.08)

In this post Nigel Tringham writes about the research for his new ‘Historical Research’ article, published in June 2020. As Nigel explains, founding a a monastic house in middle ages could be a complicated affair.


Latest issue of Historical Research

使用v2ray进行反向代理/内网穿透 – Ai:2021-1-3 · 说白了你的需求跟国内往外爬墙刚好相反,完全不需要使用反向代理呀。实现“国内资源走梯子,海外资源的访问不受影响”,直接在国内云服务器上配置好后,客户端直连就可以了,只需客户端的路由部分这样写: “routing”: {“domainStrategy”: “IPIfNonMatch”,


What’s trending in new historical writing? Four perspectives from the Bibliography of British and Irish History


The Summer 2020 update of the Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH) adds records of 4200 recent publications. Here we spot some trends from this new historical writing, including histories of celebrity and the ‘animal turn’.


BHO theses completed: making the data available

In June we added records of 30,000 History PhDs (1901-2014) to British History Online. We’ve now made the underlying XML data available. In this post Jonathan Blaney explains how to search and use the data to explore 20th and 21st century research trends at scale.


爬虫必备 — 快速搭建国际梯子,动态IP池 - 知乎:爬虫必备 — 快速搭建国际梯子,动态IP池大名鼎鼎的洋葱路由(Onion routing),很多朋友应该听说过,这是一种在网络上匿名沟通的技术,让他人难以追踪使用者身份。Tor浏览器便是常用的一种实现工具,虽然 …

With History teaching now online, how can the Bibliography of British and Irish History help lecturers and students? In this joint post with the Royal Historical Society, we offer three key uses of BBIH at this time.

Who was your great, great supervisor? 30,000 History PhDs now available on British History Online

Who was your great, great supervisor? 30,000 History PhDs now available on British History Online

British History Online now includes records of 30,000 History PhDs and theses, completed 1901-2014. New metadata enables searching by subject, university and supervisor, facilitating surveys of research trends in UK universities.

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